Created text-based piece movement form on front end - ultimately
decided on using Bella's block-based approach
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
- "But then a miracle occurred, as it has occurred again and again in
my life, and it's very lucky for me: the moment I start to think about
the physics, and have to concentrate on what I'm explaining, nothing
else occupied my mind - I'm completely immune to being nervous."
Started work on declarative piece move generation -
piss poor initial design
severely stunted progress, will need reworked before compound
moves can be parsed correctly.
Notes (this)
Fixed double spacing parsing issue in APOD explanation and display
APOD fetching error within div - TODO do this for all APIs
Notes Generator: add key, value csv in repository where key is project
title, value is github repo, so I don't have to copy and paste the
same repo link every entry
Fixed first letter of description disappearing under some
circumstances -
PR here
Notes Subsections: similar to the added joke / NASA APOD sections, to
spice the page up a bit - a natural addition would be random (media)
JSON to Class: given json, create class in other languages to ensure
fields match for REST purposes. Stretch: make it work both ways.
The Long Walk by Stephen King: "Sometimes we'll be watching TV and Cath will grab me and say,
'We're happy people, honey.' She's a peach." - Scramm
Completed minimal working system via console that asks for input
and returns HTML to insert into notes html file.
Improvement: formatting within program, rather than relying on VSC
autoformatter; Insert generated HTML directly into proper place in
html file, rather than having to manually copy in.
Showlang: Themed language where keywords etc. are quotes from
Mr. Show, inspired by
Flask Hello World Generator: Script to generate properly structured
Flask project to create a 'modern' web application (no gigantic!), inspired by the apparent lack of such tools.
Entry Generator: Script to easily generate this type of html (maybe just include in
HTML Gen) so this isn't such a tedious process.